Monday, November 15, 2010

Nutrition Pamphlet

We finished up the Nutrition pamphlet last week. Overall I think it went well, there was some really good work from some students. I do think that it went on a bit too long. Next time I will set the deadline a bit closer.

For this task I created a pamphlet template that students needed to fill out with real information. The chose a nutrient, researched how much is required, how much is in various foods, designed a meal to have 1/3 of you daily needs for it, and turn it all into a pamphlet. It was a great self directed mini inquiry. Once I set them off with a few links they did most of the work themselves. There was good numeracy content in calculating percentages, measurements of portion size, conversions, tables and lots of other bits. And once they got started the students found out how to do what they needed to know independently. I say students grappling with conversion problems and finding their way through by themselves. It was great.

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