Thursday, February 24, 2011

QR Codes Bereakout 3

Very good discussion group on possibilities of QR codes in the classroom. There were people from many areas, primary, senior, National Library. All of us had different ideas of how to use them. The primary teachers were keen on the idea of QR codes as accessibility tools for the very young kids. Easier to scan the code than type a URL or find a bookmark.

I am most sold on the idea of the QR codes as a physical interface to the virtual world. Maybe a solution to kids making a webpage for their inquiry. They could print a few pages plus a QR code link. At the exhibition the pages get attention and parents can follow the link. Links from maths concepts to Wolfram Alpha was suggested.

I didn't hear anything revolutionary. I still don't see them being very useful in maths except as a novelty. The big use is the easy interface to the digital world. It's worth exploring.

Notes follow...

Anatomy of a QR code <- google for image. URLs, Marketing, Straight ot bookings etc. <- cam'a'bar <- good for older phones. <- good for older phones. Adobe air solution <- best of bunch for PC. Then QReader.air <- QR tracker Idea: Create game, print screenshots, print QRcode link to file/site Good for special needs. Just wave in front, not type. Accessibility Randomisation, names in QR codes for groups. Catch attention, its a puzzle that kids will try to crack. Story starters Tales of things

"Physical interface to the virtual world"

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